Sunday 29 July 2012

Sunday morning.

Oh hi there, i haven't blog in awhile. hilarious.

Anyways, i was ''going through'' my Facebook profile, and i had loads of Nick Jonas and Selena Gomez's picture that i adore and always cherish. But you know, i'm getting older and these i kinda spamming my profile picture album, i mean i didn't mind but i've outgrown it. Ya know what i'm saying? So, i decided to delete some pictures, but i didn't know where's the delete button (FAIL), so finally i figured it out i went to search some answers and some videos, back to the point, since there's so many pictures to delete, it took me years YEARS to delete like 30 photos? i had to delete them one by one, tiring too! 

and as i was going thru, i saw some comments that made me pissed.
those who commented, and made me pissed. this is for you

Dear whoever called Nick Jonas Ugly, 
Are you fucking kidding me? you calling him ugly is like calling yourself a troll, literally. Like what the hell, you ain't a beautiful creature so don't go saying he is ugly. Cause if you do, your ''beautiful'' face will turn into garbage. And, if you do say it infront of me, say bye bye to your life. I don't know how i'll handle that, but i'll make sure you'll get to say your last goodbye to yourself. aren't i fucking kind. 
and to those who loves to call others ugly, please re-think what you said, and try looking standing infront of a mirror which i think you wouldn't dare too since you're a mean creature btw you ain't that pretty. You may be pretty, but your inside isn't. Yes, that include your Organs, Intestines most importantly your Heart. 

thanks for reading. 

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