Saturday 14 July 2012


LOADS of people judge, even i do. But seriously, you're my best friend i think and you judge me, aren't you supposed to be like happy for me, that something makes me happy? and since you're my best friend, imagine how would i feel? Unless if it's some random person, judge all you want i don't even care what you say about me. but how could you? at least Min Yuan was cool with it. And i don't like every K-Pop star or band, i just like Big Bang. only Big Bang, and you ask me to re-think my music? fuck you. So, if i like Bieber then you'll ask me to re-think my music? OR ask me not to listen to any more Pop music? i couldn't believe it, i'm still me. it's not like i forgotten about the Jonas Brothers, Olly, Selena etc. Yeah, you liked a K-pop member and i called names, but i didn't TELL you to re-think my music! And if my friends judge me because i listen to Big Bang or other K-pop singers, the only thing i will re-think is our friendship.

 here's a Big Bang picture. do you feel it?

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