Saturday 21 July 2012

Big Bang!

Jello peeeepeeel. :D

going to Penang tomorrow, excited like crap. Won't be sleeping tonight la. ;) 

won't be typing too much too, so here are some pictures/gifs! :D 
 Shy GD is Shy. 
hello there ;) 

 SOL's hair is kinda creepy.


oh, here's a picture of The Big Bang Theory <3 

Kang Daesung, Y U SO CUTE??? 
Hot T.O.P is hot. -cries-
 Dong Young Bae, i love you. <3 

Pretty Pretty Lena is turning 20 this Sunday. :) 



i guess that's all? bye guise.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait, want to laugh till you die? Please kindly watch this (:
okay, you can go now (: peace out y'all ! 

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