Sunday 8 July 2012

July 8

So, the day is finally here, not that i want it to happen but, everything good must come to an end. right? Anyways, Joyee is leaving Malaysia, and will be migrating to Canada, the homeland of Justin Bieber. eh. I'm happy for her, but you know, losing a friend after having no one is kinda sad. Very sad. Laura: i feel bad for you brooooooo. haha

so, i guess this is it Joyee, i will always miss you, oh i know i've never said the ''L'' word to anyone, but Joyee... I like you (as a friend of course) and thanks for being in my life, now here's en exit ticket for you to leave! but do come back. lol well, see you during Prom! :D <3

 ahh, i luff you Alex Russo.

-LauraaaaaaaaaaaaaS <3

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