Monday 23 July 2012

Back from Penang.

As you can see, waaaaaait... you can't see me right? ERRRways, i just came back and i'm as tired as Fuck, but you know i'm super duper kind, so here's something for you guys! :D -awkward-

yesterday's dinner was like freeeaaaaaaaakinnnnnnnnggggggggg amazing, let me repeat FREAKING AMAZING. GAAAAAH.
went to some hawker stalls and Hard Rock Cafe

; first we went to the hawker stall, dad ordered some grilled chicken thighs, which was SUPER GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. nearly cried because it was too good to be true!

part 2 for food, I ate Quesadilla, hmmm i give it a 100 Quesadillas out of 100 Quesadillas, it was too good!
KaChing ordered the Pull lamb burger! very nice too
Parents ordered the Buka Puasa thingy!
overall it was fabulous, ate till we're super full and it was only RM 138. what a deal! and also free performances! BONUS.
and now i'm back here, hello !

Happy Belated Birthday Selena

 too sweet :')

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