Tuesday 3 July 2012


Can't Believe it's already July.
i still remember how my birthday went and everything, my birthday was at January! Time flies too fast, blink of an eye, all the 1998 babies will sit for their PMR. Too fast :( i don't like it. 

Anyways, we had art class today, so we went down to the art room. As I was painting, my friend wanted to borrow my colour paint, and guess what??? SHE SCOOPED ALL THE PAINT, AND JUST USE IT. AND WHEN SHE WAS DONE USING IT, SHE'D JUST WASHED ALL THE PAINT AWAY. :( MY SAD SAD PAINT....
what a waste.... ehhh.

Totally got screwed by Quek just now :( 
Amanda and i went in the library, then he was like :'' LAURA, CAN YOU TELL YOUR FRIEND TO NOT BRING HER BAG IN, ONLY LIBRARIANS ARE ALLOWED TO PUT THEIR BAGS OVER THERE. Fucking bitch, how am i supposed to know. Fine, i'm SUPPOSED to know, but hey! Don't just butt in into our conversation please. And i'm pretty sure, it's because of that stupid Eugene dude. IDIOT. URGH. Anyways, tata see you all next time~!

 i got me tag! :D 
-LauraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS <3 

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