Sunday 22 July 2012

Penang And Selena's born day.

Penang, the home of Char Kuey Tiao and Assam Laksa. fudge, now i'm hungry. :(

enjoying my second day over here, amazing swimming pools, beautiful beach, tasty food and more.
food so good here, i don't think i want to go back to Selangor! and there's free WI-FI here too, BINGOOO.

Staying in Hard Rock Hotel, Penang. Not very good rooms, but who cares? haaa, oh saw JJ from Hitz.FM
AWESOME? someone just interrupted my thinking. i'm sure he was surprised when we didn't ask him for a signature/picture or something... lol, anyways overall, everything went greaat! we went to Kek Lok Si , amazing view of Penang! absolutely breath-taking!

other than that, I pretty sure i did nothing.


Happy Birthday, my dear Selena ! :P 
i couldn't believe it, i was your fan since 2007 and now it's 2012. It's been five years already! time flies too fast, i hope i can continue supporting you, which isn't a problem for me xD anyways, just so you know. I HEART YOU <3 

 you flawless beauty queen!
-LauraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS <3

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