Tuesday 24 July 2012


dear fuckers who made me run up the 1st floor till the 3rd floor just because you guys want a buku nilam. whattafark. seriously, can't you guys get ready a buku nilam yourself? i know i'm not supposed to complain, but hey! at least when i bring you your book, take a minute to stand up to take the book from me! not just sit there and make me remember who bought the nilam books! who am i ? your delivery man? gosh, not a word of thank you! and i tell you, if Josh wanted one, i would ask him to kick himself in the balls, cause I don't help those who are ''pretty'' and calls people ugly. or maybe, i would've punch him........ ideas, ideas!

tomorrow's mum's birthday! what to get here???? oh nooooooo! :(


  1. Call him ugly and kick his ass of his body.

  2. Josh?? i don't think so, incase one of my friends kill me afterwards.. :P
