Tuesday 10 July 2012


the month when i was told that my favourite teacher had died.
10th of July was the exact day my mom told me she had died, cause of stomach cancer. It's now 9:55 p.m. and i still can't believe it. 

Dear Ms Emily, you were my favourite teacher and you still are. You may not be here in this world anymore, but remember something, you're forever awesome in my heart. Thank you Ms Emily. 
She died during end of May, you will be missed.

I'd still remember how you looked, how you smiled, how you helped me etc.
and i too remember when you asked us how does you new hair colour looked, i didn't answer you as i was shy, but i want you to know that, damn your hair looked smashing! 

Thanks for all the stories you shared during english lesson, if there weren't any interesting stories i'm sure i'd fall asleep !


R.I.P. Ms Emily 


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