Sunday 16 September 2012


tears, could be something good or bad.
let's put it this way, i hate it when my parents cry. it feels like i've done something wrong, well it may or may not be me. But you know, seeing someone you love cry is like... it's just heart breaking.

Like when i was 12, my uncle was going to get me an Ipod. But my sister was jealous, so my uncle decided to get exchange the Ipod with an ITouch. so my dad asked me to be ''大方'' and give the ITouch to my sister, of course i was devastated.
One day, when my dad was sending me to school, we talked about it. And of course i started crying, and all of a sudden my dad started crying too. I was in shocked as this was the first time seeing my strong dad crying. Right after he started crying, my tears fell like a waterfall! I couldn't stop, but at last i stopped and of course i  looked like a mess, so my dad told me some funny stories to cheer me up. i instantly felt better. After that, my sister finally got the Itouch, and of course she didn't allowed me to use it. Cause she said it's hers. bech. she said it's an itouch not a ''wetouch'' urgh. Oh, and after 9 months, she dropped it in the toilet bowl. Yay, i'm so proud of her. -.-
i don't know why i'm telling you this, but you know. i just felt like sharing even though i wasn't actually gonna tell you guys about this.

So this Tuesday will be the last day with my Sister, i'm so gonna miss her. But you know, life's gotta go on. I mean 9 months isn't very long, a blink of an eye and she'll be back. with my gifts.

i hate it when my mum is sad or just disappointed.
like she has done so much for the family, and at the end we all disappoint her.
and when i disappoint my mother, i feel like a pile of garbage. But yet i'm not doing anything about it.
that's what i hate about myself.
I feel bad for people, but i ain't doing anything to help them.
Stupid Laura.

i guess i'll be stopping here, bye guys.


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