Sunday 23 September 2012

heyyo! :D have you guys seen my new twitter background? if you haven't, here's a spoiler. It's Choi Seunghyun. :D dun dun dun. aren't spoilers fun? no... well too bad. :P
here's my twitter profile for you to check my background out..well unless if you're using your phone, then... i guess you can check out Kang Daesung as my profile picture. :P

Laura Seo's twittah.

incredibly awesome. if there's such word combined together. lol

anyways, how was your day? I bet it was just as awesome as mine?

hehe, lemme tell you about mine.

Woke Up in the morning, getting ready to go to Church.
Ain't my brunch at about like 10... yeah, it's a very early brunch.
went for sunday school, had our assessment. -woohoo-
came back, and spent my day watching What's Up.
didn't study at all. shit, i'm so gonna fail something.
well, that's all. Sunday afternoon quite well spent.
haha, and now it's 10. off to bed? maybe, maybe not. I seriously need to start studying for my finals.
screw you exams. just because of you, we're cutting down so much trees. haaaiz, when am i gonna start studying?
i know, i'll start when the Jonas Brothers and Big Bang turn ugly. that shall do.
haha, i guess i'm never gonna study then.
lol, haha good bye guys! night night xx

here's a Choi Seunghyun picture... incase you fell in love with my twittah background, and you don't know where to get the photo.. you're most definitely welcome. My pleasure to serve you.

sexy as fuck... ♥

GD~ get your cray-on. ♣

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