Sunday 30 September 2012


So, after years of supporting them ( 4 years to be exact) i won't be going for the Jonas Brothers concert.
Reason 1: exams. FINALS. to determine which class you'll be going to. i really want to go back to Teratai.
Reason 2: End of the year, family and i will be going to London and Paris. Loads of money.
Reason 3: nobody can take care of me. as i'm too young to go alone.
Reason 4: even if i've exams, i ain't no mawar kiddo. so no can do.
so conclusion, i won't be going. what joy.
their first time here, and i'm not there. Why is life so unfair sometimes? 
i can't go for the Jonas Brothers one, and the Big Bang one.
life sucks ya know.
i just want to see them in person, is it that difficult?
oct 24 and oct 27, i don't think Stadium Merdaka can handle all the hotness in just few days.
on the bright side there ain't no bright side , they will be breathing the same air as i am.
and another bright side, since i didn't go for the Wong Fu thingy, i shall not go for the concerts too.
conclusion: i suck as a Jobro fan. and a VIP.

since i can't go to any concerts. i really wanna go for this Meet and Greet thingy.
and the actor is.... LEE HYUN WOO.

 if i get to go, i will be seeing this face!!

i so wanna get the passes, so i can tell mum or dad i need to go or not. shits gon down. jk
it says there '' will each receive a pair of passes'' shit.

that cutie. it's in sungai wang, and i really wanna go..
and guess what, it's still before my exams. screw. 
oct 14 and it's a sunday. i've tried convincing my mum, but she didn't reply me.. so i'm waiting for my conclusion again.

i wish i can cope with my studies, i wish i had a brain of a mawar kiddo.
life will be great, i barely can remember science and maths, how in the world am i gonna remember sejarah and geography? 

if i really can't go back to teratai, at least i will stay in seroja. i really don't want to go to kenanga.
even though, kenanga seems like heaven compared to seroja. no pun intended.

I know i won't get to see my idols live, but can i just have one of my favourite Korean actors signature? 
and i want to show off my camera. 

since the meet and greet thing is on a sunday and my dad's free on that day. that means.
hopefully as he doesn't like going to these crowded places, let's just say he is an introvert.

why must all the cool things happen in OCTOBER?

nights y'all xx

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