Sunday 12 August 2012

Sunday School. i'm not really talking about Sunday School. i can't really make up a title. sorry.

heee, had so much in Church. not really, as i don't talk to anyone over there.

i don't know, i really want a male best friend. Seems, nice.
i used to have one, but of course he wasn't MANLY enough for me.

i really want a male best friend, so he can be my temporary ''boyfriend'', that will be cool. i guess, i really want one. i could help him with his problems and he can help me with mine. Isn't that great? but of course i can't find one now. as i'm a disgrace to woman. i guess, i won't say i'm super ugly, but not pretty ya know.

i just need to hope one of the guys in my school, will notice me.
haahh, hilarious. no, i'm serious... i want a guy like Daesung and Nick...
a guy that can make me smile, laugh, laugh till i cry and sing beautifully when i'm sad. and maybe defend me. that will be great. -specs are needed- :P

stop it with your fantasies Laura!

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