Friday 10 August 2012


i really screwed up big time today! 
i actually forgotten how to story Rumpelstiltskin went. the only part i remembered was the 1st part and the last part, which was no use at all! 
gosh, i know i did wrong, and i deserved the marks teacher was going to minus, but i kinda broke down when Miss Yeow said she was disappointed in me. AHH, pissed at myself. I knew how was the father's characteristics but i didn't go out when Kenneth wanted to give me the marker pen. i think i helped everyone with theirs, but i didn't help myself. Other than that, after English was fun, was like the old times, without Joyee of course. SIGH, i ain't gonna get an A for me English anymore for not participating in English. :( read that story multiple times, and i decided to forget today! URGH. Miss Yeow, i know you're disappointed in me, all i've got to say is : i'm disappointed in myself too. sorry. :/ 

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