Thursday 23 August 2012

let's partaaaaaaaaay!

whenever you see me, i'll be doing this dance. if i don't, feel free to slap me.

excited Seungri is excited.

 oppas, why didn't you invite me. :(

 bite you? K.


 hehe, just high five-d Daesung, this is gonna be a start of a beautiful friendship.

anyways, saw a post saying that Super Junior's leader will be gone for the South Korea military thingy.
and all the SJ peeps are sad.
i mean, i totally can understand them. Imagine, TOP going away for this. What's Big Bang gonna be without it's Deep Voice, Charismatic, Rapper? :( after TOP, then it'll be GD ( noooo, the stylish leader) and YBae ( dancing queen? ) then it'll be Daesung (</3) ( my knight and shining armour!) then the only one left is V.I.  (little Pandaaaaaa) which will be gone too. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but of course, we VIPs still have loads more years till this happens. So, have fun while it last peeps! :P
i'm thinking too much. shit.

OMG, WATCH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1111!!! :P
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! tho, GD baby you kinda look like Gwen Stefani. ahh, luves you. YES, GD YOU ARE ONE OF A KIND. SEXY LEADER YOU! :P LALALALA i wanna buy the ''Alive'' album, but it's RM 79.99 where am i gonna find that much cash? boohoo. :( heep, Daesung!  i wanna be as cute as her when i say ''i love you'' to D-Lite. :P  nom nom nom.  :3  kakakaka~  tabi, what in the world are you doing?  Bae and Dae. nothing much... -fangirling-  :3  theyyy areeee!  mamamiaaaaaaaaaaaaa!  Seungri seems like he's in pain, ahaha who cares. i see a  beautiful family reunion.  DAERIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! I will go down with this shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip~ lol    bloop bloop bloop! image after seeing all these Daesung pictures.  OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG .  coolioooo.  crack crack crack~

off to bed y'all byeee

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