Saturday 16 March 2013

ordinary post midnight post.

hihi fellow aliens~ hoho, long time no see huh? :P

anyways, i wanna tell you guys something! jenjenjennnnn  i may be going to London~!! :D

 teehee ^^ but of course, i still want to go to Korea with my sister but give it another few years or sooner the better, depends. :P
but omg it's before my trials.. PMR.. *shudder* i hate that three letters, it gives me the creeps... don't like it. sorry. pressureeee yet, i'm not doing anything about it. dummy :)

watched Reply 1997 and holy smokes it's good! really good! great plot, awesome actors and good choice of music TVXQ i mean.... opps. But, it's goooddddd! for an idol to kiss like that is totally awesome, one step closer to an Oscar! it wasn't a peck but a really kiss, that's what made me so jiggly as if i'm not jiggly enough. *beeeeehhhhhh (goat noises)

so, about my private life. it's super private.... but i wanna share it with you guys..
i don't know if it's official if i like a person but it seems like it.. sighhh. how do i even talk to him if i don't even dare to add him on freaking Facebook? i'm disappointed Hui Min. :( well, i guess i'll stop here. bye~!

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