Sunday 10 March 2013

ma propre réplique de la tour eiffel

 look at what i've made? isn't it awesome?? :D

if you don't know what is it, it's an Eiffel Tower! but seriously, how can you not tell?
so i decided to making a replica of it after watching "The Human Condition", and it's actually gonna be a lamp! tehehehe!

thanks Jun-Ho for the idea! sorry if i copied it ><

i took about like 5++ hours to do this, hard work definitely paid off~! i'm actually quite proud ^^ haha, but isn't it awesome? the main key to finish this "artwork" is patience ! without any patience, i couldn't have finished this!

anyways, i would like to thank my mum for not bothering me during the process, my dad for not buying me a blade home and his wise words " cheh, so easy to do yet you take so long to finish" i really want to thank you guys for helping me! yay! ^^

and i'm sorry if the translation is wrong, sometimes i too don't trust google translate :P

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