Sunday 27 January 2013


3teratai, lovely class but with some extra rotten apples.
Jessica, Daniel, Xufern and gang, new kid. to name a few. yes, i find them  fucking annoying or just plain disturbing

did you know what my ''pure eyes'' saw? Jessica and Daniel making out. roughly, ew. and the reason why? cause they were drunk, fucking drunk.... how the fuck did you even bring in that bottle of vodka in? and for fuck sake, you're underage! and to those who are covering their disturbing behavior, you're either fucking retarded or you're fucking dumb. and to daniel, you want us to what? not tell anybody about it? who the fuck are you to tell me what to say or what to do? you've no rights to stop us from telling, cause if you didn't want us to talk about this, you could at least get a room. or do it somewhere else. i don't care if you fuck, just not near my sight. how disrespectful can you get? and to xinli saying " what? you never see before meh? grow up lah" what? what is it you say? you expect me to grow up, and just continue with my life, well sorry. i'm still 15, i'm still under my parents wings. to those helping them, if you're gonna help them cause they tell you they won't do it again, think again. just take a while to fucking think! if you say you're "helping" them, you're actually making them worse. let them learn a lesson! and dear Jessica, please don't make people call you a slut, or maybe that's the name you were going for? cause if it's then you're doing a very good job! job well fucking done. discrimination to women. and to her ex bf, just give up. she doesn't need you, and you won't need those kind of human being.

sorry for cursing, i usually don't curse like that but, let me go yeah?

new kid, please. calm your attitude. no one likes it. 

and kenneth, i don't get you, and i'll never will. since all the debts are paid, you can officially leave. i don't need you and you asshole like attitude. i tell you everything since were my bestfriend, but since you don't do the same, and yet say i won't understand. well, go find someone better. i do regret buying so many and expensive stuffs for you, but yet i can't be pissed as it seems like a debt.

to all my close friends except Jocelyn, you indeed ruined my 15th birthday. i didn't wanna act as if it was a big deal, but yes it is indeed the worst. gave faye venn and amanda a birthday as i owe them, do i get any in return? no. you say you didn't get the time to buy me something, it may look like i'm complaining or whatsoever, but at least you could've made me a card and say you'll get me something afterwards. but do i get any on the date itself? well, thanks for showing me who were my true friends. not even wishing me, thanks. what's the point of wishing a day late, when you saw me the whole day? friends for 3 years, yet. am i that of a bad friend to get treated like this? when i was in london, mum told me just to buy them chocolates for my friend, yet i said i need to get them stuff rather than stupid chocolates. came back, i got stuff that i could easily get from Malaysia. yes, i was very disappointed. but yet i kept my cool. the only goods that i can accept are Jocelyn's pretty notebook and the BigBang notepad. tho, it's not important i just wanna point it out. back to my "birthday" day, end of school mum had to comfort me by saying "i told you to just buy them chocolates, but yet you didn't listen to me. as i said, Family is the most important." mum knows best. always. 
and the only thing that made my birthday day more special than normal days was when i spent half day which wasn't wasted yet with my closest family members. so, technically the only present i received was from Jocelyn, even a week late. well, i can't be mad at her, friends with her only for half a year so if she didn't remember, i'll let it go. hah. what was even more heartbreaking is that, even Hui Shyen wished me. and i don't even consider her as my friend, but my senior. you know whatever. it's soon gonna be a month after that day, i vow to myself to entirely erase what had happen and just keep going. tho, i wish i could.
even tho you guys acted if you guys knew, it still didn't made me any happier. and the reason why i cried was because i was hurt that neither of you wished me not because i lost a stupid RM 10. whatever, i'm done with birthdays. and next time, if you want to surprise another person on their birthday don't count me in. if you think i'm spoiling the party, i apologize in advance. sorry.

it's only the first month of the year, yet there's so many stories to share. and there will be more.


  1. this is jo btw....haha! ewwwww...i never like jessicaaa.from the very first time i saw her..idk why...and ohmgawddd..they really made out?like tongue? EWWWWW...i can't believe he's that kind of person....EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW....EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW oh gawd...HOW WAS JULIEE AND NATALIE REEACTION OR VAN? what happend to kenneth? O.o and who's the new girl???

  2. van was absent that day! teehee, new boy you mean. urgh, so freaking idioticccc!
