Wednesday 30 January 2013

a taste of your own medicine.

you're half the reason why now everyone got separated from their friends, and you have the flying guts to cry cause you're ain't with yours anymore? dafuq?

if it wasn't for your "little" incident, none of these would've happened. 

and everyone who is talking bad about Mr Wong for changing our places. Don't blame him, what did he do? yeah, he isn't teaching us. but he is the PK HEM, he has the rights to barge in. so don't go dui-ing him as if he did something wrong.

"just cause, you didn't do what i did during your childhood" you already know how to use the word childhood, so technically you're still a kid.

now 3Teratai is a targeted class. why? it's not like everyone in the class killed someone, why are the innocent student getting punished? what did we do?

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