Tuesday 29 January 2013

Complains and others.

I know complaining means you're not grateful blah blah blah. But, sometimes you just gotta let it out ya know? And since I'm not those 1 on 1 friend talk thingy, I prefer writing or typing it all out. Somewhat like the diary of a wimpy kid dude. Minus the wimp. Lol, anyways. It has been weeks since my birthday, and I've yet to receive anything. Passed so many Saturdays and Sundays and yet I don't have any gift. And the tension between Kenneth and I is totally out of hand. Come on, you said we are always the first. We stick together through thick and thin. And where are you now? I know I'm not supposed to say this but. Fuck you Kenneth. Once a liar always one, I still can't believe I trusted you. I regretted treating you as my bestfriend as you now treat us like shit (strangers). But thanks for showing us your true colours. Hope your new friends can tolerate your bullshit better than us.

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