Thursday 25 October 2012


omg, sorry for not posting yesterday.. it was late. :P

BEST NIGHT EVER! after 4 years, i finally got to see MY BBYS!! <3

the Jonas Brothers were amazing!

i'm very sorry, but i don't have any pictures!

reasons why?

1.pushing, pushing, and more PUSHING
2. phone camera sucks
3. i couldn't bring in my camera.

so sorry, no pictures

but i bet i was the only one singing while the others were either pushing, screaming or filming!

i was the cool one! :P
but boy was Nick soo cute on stage!! :D i'm pretty sure we made eye contact with each other.

BEST CONCERT EVAAAAAAAAAAAAA <3 can i rewind time again?!?!

next concert to look forward to, BIGBANG! :D

oh, i think i saw someone throwing their bra onstage, wtf.
can you like respect the people on stage and not throw your plucking stuff up, rude ass. =.=
i don't care if it was for fun. like what the hell? at least pass it to them afterwards, i mean you wouldn't want someone to throw stuff at you right?

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