Saturday 30 June 2012


Hello Sisters and Brothers from another mother. hah, anyways since today's a Saturday that's means no school, no emo posts! yay!

so i guess i'll post some pictures? i think. DO ENJOY!  

haha, like this Blog..... right? no? okay.
 8 simple ways to make Maggie noodles! or as ''gui lou'' calls it Ramen. oh, by the Master Ted.

look at this flawless human being. Y U SO FLAWLESS, CAN I DONATE SOME FLAWS TO YOU? lol

check this funny gif.

When my best friend sees her crush, my reaction.

 to infinity and beyond~

this is what i do when i'm in my room.... alone.

 don't judge.

when i see my crush's new photos


face of an ANGEEEEEEEEEEEEEL.~~ lalala.

Selena <3

From Boys to Men.

When i say Hi to my crush ( which is never gonna happen)

LOL, i guess that's enough for today.... 再见

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