Majlis Perpisahan was epic! :D
had loads of fun even though i was alone, gotta entertain myself ya know!?!?
Hopefully there will be nice pictures of me! i dislike being the troll out of everyone! :p
OH MAH GAWD. Guess what??! Mr Mah forgotten to attend the Majlis! mean >:( Mr Wong wasn't around, and Pn Sabrina's baby may come out any minute any second, so she couldn't attend! :p eeeee.
Everything went well! loved KHS Production's video, hilarious! 10/10 !
Some singers were off-pitched -sorry- but the song dedication written by Kiwan and Produced by Shaun was amazing!
thumbs up guys!
hehehe xx
Dancing was AWH SUM.
By Wen Loong and friends xD
and Serene you did great!
Ummm, the Drama. it was good, but could've been better. the funny part was when Wen Loong became
a little cray cray xD
he was a girl btw. a
very pretty GIRL. yes, he was a GIRL.
Random Person: OMG, this is so gonna be on Facebook!
Wen Loong: This better not be on Facebook!!!
LOL. hehehe
I didn't know how the games went...
i didn't get the ''Calm'' award, not fair!! lol, jk Carissa, you deserved it!
but seriously, thank goodness i didn't get the award or else i need to do the ''fashion show'' thingy! :O
Some guys were hot :x can't say who thoooo !
food was okay. desserts looked good!
oh, in case you didn't know i drank 7 cups of tea!!
oh, for the lucky draw thingy, i won a LAMP. a freaking LAMP. not bad laa.
i'm pretty sure i won this Lamp... gonna call it Lamp.........y. Lampy, yeah that sounds great ! xD
Congrats Brittany! hhehehehe
that's all, i guess?
-LauraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS <3
hai Min Yuan xx
Peace Love Jonas. oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaa